Thursday, October 10, 2013

Savant's Words

Racism is eating away at the vitals of America. It has become, as Martin Luther King described it, a "structural part of the culture." Perhaps, you are fortunate NOT to be an American. By the way, I still have much respect for your country's social democratic experiment, even though I understand it is subjected to serious challenges in this contemporary global economy. As a kid Sweden was brought to my attention when I read some descriptions of your society by Dr. King, and even some (guarded) praise by Malcolm X--both of whom thought that something like your democratic socialist experiement could greatly alleviate poverty in our country, and maybe thereby also ease much of our racial tensions. Oh can always dream....



Lazy Obama voters"? I seem to recall that they amounted to OVER half of ALL voters in 2008 and 2012. That seems to include a MAJORITY of women, working class people, Blacks, Latins,Jews, Asians, etc. In fact, MOST AMERICANS! I guess America must be a "lazy" and "slacking " nation. So, who that minority who presumably constitutes the "society " which the lazy majority is "leeching " off?



In fact, poverty has been growing and expanding everywhere while more and more wealth is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. Time to renew Dr. King's POOR PEOPLES MOVEMENT perhaps?



You have two options: SUBMISSION or RESISTANCE to the system of oppression. Either way you pay a price. But one price you pay for the first option is a loss of d assisting the the perpetuation of the oppressive Establishment. I prefer resistance. What I'm trying to resolve in my own mind is whether there can be effective REVOLUTIONARY NONVIOLENT resistance, or whether revolutionary change can be achieved by violent means only....Or even by some combination of nonviolent and violent resistance. I don't always agree with "Brother George," but respect his spirit of resistance. There is also a special place in my heart for REVOLUTIONARY BLACK WOMEN: Angela Davis, Septima Clark, Ella Baker....and my mother (though she doesn't always realize that she is a revolutionary).


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