Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving in 2009 Part 3

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus is a controversial figure and people already know his real history. This history isn't presented by the mainstream media. Even the name of Columbus is very similar to Colombia. Colombia is an old name for the Goddess in mythology. Colombia has been the female name for America as well. Washington D.C. is called the District of Colombia as an independent city with its citizens having no voting rights for the Presidency. The fourth and highest degree emblem in the Knights of Columbus depicts a dive-bombing white dove. The French word for dove is “Colombe.” Sacrificial doves, representing virgins were known in Masonic circles as the Columbe. Many of the British royal crowns/scepters are topped with the white dove. Even Christopher Columbus' birth place is disputed. He was born as it is believed between August 25 and August 31 of 1451 in Genoa, Italy. His father was Domenico Colombo being a middle class woold weaver. His mother was Susanna Fontanarossa. The original name of Columbus in 15th century Genoese language was Christoffa Corombo. The name is rendered in modern Italian as Cristoforo Colombo, in Portuguese as Cristóvão Colombo (formerly Christovam Colom), in Catalan as Cristòfor Colom and in Spanish as Cristóbal Colón. In 1473 Columbus began his apprenticeship as business agent for the important Centurione, Di Negro and Spinola families of Genoa. Later he allegedly made a trip to Chios, a Genoese colony in the Aegean Sea. In May 1476, he took part in an armed convoy sent by Genoa to carry a valuable cargo to northern Europe. He docked in Bristol, England; Galway, Ireland and was possibly in Iceland in 1477. The painting above shows Columbus using a specailized handsign making rumors abound that Columbus was apart of some secret society. Some believe that Columbus's father in law was connected to the Knights of Christ in Portugal. Columbus had lived in Portugal from 1476 to 1484, making various sea voyages. Columbus's wife was the daughter of one of Henry's favourite Captains and the first governor of Porto Santo. Columbus spent some time living in Porto Santo, and examining his father-in-law's papers and charts. In Lisbon, a young Christopher Columbus meets Felipa Perestrello at Sunday Mass. Columbus marries this daughter of a famous family and soon moves to Madera. Christopher Columbus' navigators were members of the extant Portuguese Templar Order, and the Templar cross was featured prominently on the sails of his ships in 1492. The Knights of Christ were the descendants of the Knights Templar in Portugal. After the Templar order's suppression by Pope Clement in 1312, King Denis set about creating a new order for the displaced knights in his realm. He instituted the "Christi Militia" under the patronage of Saint Benedict in 1317 (some sources say August 14, 1318), and Pope John XXII approved this order by a Papal bull on March 14, 1319 "AD EA EX QVIBVIS." It's not a secret that Columbus had links to Merovingian bankers like the Medicis of Italy. and others in the esoteric crowd. Michael Howard's "Occult Conspiracy wrote that:

“Columbus was associated with a political group that supported the ideas of Dante, one of the alleged Grand Masters of the Order of the Rosy Cross, who is known to have used codes and ciphers in his writings, a practice associated with membership of a secret society. Columbus’ voyages of discovery were sponsored by Leonardo da Vinci and Lorenzo de Medici, both initiates of secret societies, who found the explorer wealthy patrons among European Royalty and aristocracy.” (p.74)

“...Columbus...believed when he landed in America that God had led him to the New Jerusalem. The idea of America as the fulfilment of a biblical prophecy concerning the foundation of a spiritual Utopia on Earth was a central belief in the Rosicrucian philosophy of the seventeenth century.” (Occult Conspiracy, p.74)

Some believe that Columbus has Jewish ancestry (there is nothing wrong with that. It just shows the historical makeup of Christopher Columbus). The Jewish scholar, Eliezer Segal, cites Columbus’ biographer S. de Madariaga and the Jewish historian Cecil Roth, as providing the most cogent arguments in favor of this view:

“...there has been some weighty scholarly debate over the possibility that Columbus, though undeniably a devout and zealous Catholic, might also have been the proud descendant of Spanish Jews. Ironically, this view has been championed by some patriotic Spaniards, who would rather have him a Spanish Jew than an Italian gentile. “...there has been some weighty scholarly debate over the possibility that Columbus, though undeniably a devout and zealous Catholic, might also have been the proud descendant of Spanish Jews. Ironically, this view has been championed by some patriotic Spaniards, who would rather have him a Spanish Jew than an Italian gentile. There is evidence that Columbus spoke Spanish while still living in Italy, an unusual situation unless his family had originated in Spain. Spanish-speaking Jewish refugees from the Inquisition were numerous in the Genoa area...."

The Papal House of Anjou financed Columbus. People classify him as a hero, but he wasn't. He was a Roman Catholic, imperialist, greedy gold seeker. If he didn't act like an imperialist, things might of been much different in South America, Mexico, and Latin America. His mission to visit America was commissioned by Ferdinand and Isabella. Both people inaugurated the Spanish Inquisition at Seville 12 years before Columbus's first journey. One August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus began to sail from Spain with 3 ships of the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa María. He used the maps and charts of a dead pilot named Alonso Sanchez. He came into the island of Santo Domingo in October 12. Martin Alonso Pinzón, the captain of the Pinta was the first to land, followed by Vicente Yañez Pinzón, the captain of the Niña. Christopher Columbus created colonies in San Salvador and Haiti. They did inhumane treatment toward the Native Americans living there, which set a precedent for the conquistadors of the following century. Even the great biographer of Columbus named Samuel Eliot Morrision admitted that Columbus plus his allies forced people to starve and die in Hispaniola during 1492. He said that only 60,000 Native Americans lived by 1508 and in Ovideo, it's doubtful whether 500 Native Americans remained. Morrison wrote that Columbus returned to Spain as a common criminal after he was relieved of his governship. The deluded explorer wrote a friend, 'At a time when I was entitled to expect rewards and retirement, I was incontinently arrested and sent home loaded with chains.' Today, many people know about Christopher Columbus' crimes against humanity. His ships wore the emblem of the Knights Templar since that's an old European logo. It's been said that Columbus married a women whose related to the Knights Templar (as some researchers believe that the Templar came into America long before Columbus did). Christopher Columbus wrote a book called "The Book of Prophecies." He claimed it dealt with future events and even prophecies. He wrote that the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ will never come unless the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached all over the Earth (which is true since the NT explicitly says this). He also in the book wanted a Crusade to take back the Holy Land from Muslims to be ruled by the Papacy. This covert Crusade is according now with the Vatican's ownership of some lands in the Holy Land.

Pope Alexander VI supported Columbus and wanted him to , " 'to bring the profess the Catholic Faith...' " This coercion of forced conversion against people is definitely immoral since all humans have the right to the freedom of conscience (plus the freedom of religion). This is ironic since Rodrigo Borgia or Alexander VI would use a forged document called the Donation of Constantine to give large parts of the North and South American continents (or West of the Cape Verde Islands) to Spain by theft. Columbus committed adultery aganst his own wife by going out with a woman named Beatrice de Haran. Haran had a child by him. Columbus didn't marry Haran since she was a commoner and he wanted to be apart of the aristocratic class. The harm against didn't end with Christopher Columbus. John Cabot (He was Venetian and he worked under the British people) came into the North American continent as early as 1497. He landed in the island of Newfoundland. Even in during the 1970s, Bush Sr. masterminded a covert program that sterilized over 40% of Native American women against their will and without their consent. Christopher Columbus' actions are the exact way we should act like or conduct of every affairs.

America's Secret past

When you learn about America, it's certainly personal with me. The reason I was born here in the USA. Even when I was younger, I learn that there was more to America than what was shown in the corporate controlled media. There is something deeper with why America existed in the fashion it does. I live here, I experience joy here, and I experienced sadness here. It's a land with blessed resources and a wicked past plus present. It's mysterious land. America is the most controversial nation in human history in my opinion. Now, it's time to expose more of America's secret past. The first inhabitants among the North American continents were the Native Americans. Mainstream historians say that the Native Americans migrated from Siberia into the North and South American continents. This occured thousands of years ago. Back then, there were semi-nomadic people of hunter gatherers. They formed agricultural and sedentary civilizations. They formed tons of tribes like the Huron, the Apache, the Cherokee, the Sioux, the Delaware, Iroquois (which is subdivided into other tribes like the Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk and Cayuga). The Iroquois advanced an advanced social structure, which influenced the formation of the United States of being a democratic Republic. Dr. Robert Hieronimus wrote a book entitled "Founding Fathers, Secret Societies: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the Decoding of the Great Seal," making a controversial interpretation of America's destiny and of the Great Seal in the U.S. One Dollar Bill. Dr. Hieronimus is respected by administrations, he's a PhD., and his research is valued by many historians. Robert wrote that the Founding Fathers took not only influence from the Mystery Religions. Robert wrote that the Founding Fathers accepted concepts from the Native American Iroquois tribes in creating the American government and the Great Seal of America. The Iroquois created a complex, democratic-like Native American civilization. Benjamin Franklin spread its ideas to other Founding Fathers. Robert also writes that Masonic rituals are similar to the Iroquois. Yet, America's influence is very complex from Christian influences to others.. The Mesoamerican civilization were scientific, politically, and socially complex as well. In the interior of continential America, the Moundbulder culture existed. They came about from ca. 3,000 B.C. to the 1500's A.D. There was even the Mississipian culture along with the river valleys in the Midwest. They have artwork, maize based agriculture, and the use of ceramics. Centralized control came about in the civilization as well. Writing languages are most common in Mesoamerican civilizations like the Mayans and the Aztecs. The Native Americans met with Spanish explorers like Juan Pardo.

Some of these conquistadors killed the Native American people as well. Here's the occult origin of the name America:

"Writing under the pseudonym, Aretas, James Pryse issued part of the Popul Vuh, with learned commentaries under the title, The Book of the Azure Veil. This ran in Lucifer, a Theosophical magazine, between September 1894 and February 1895 ... Pryse suggests that the god Quetzalcoatl was known in Peru under the name of Amaru ... 'From the latter name come our word America. Amaruca is, literally, translated Land of the Plumed Serpent. The priests of this God of Peace, from their chief centre in the Cordilleras, once ruled both Americas ... " (Manly P. Hall, "America's Assignment With Destiny", p. 27)

The explorer Amerigo Vespucci probably didn't totally originate the name of America then. Quetzalcoatl is the light-skinned false god who wore a long white robe with red crosses. The legend of Quetzalcoatl was in parallel with the myth of the dying god, very much as in Egypt, Chaldea, Greece,etc/ There were stones in his Temple filled with Serpents as serpent worship is a key part of the Mystery Religions. That was why when Europeans visited the Mayans in central America, the Mayans thought they were the representives of Quetzalcoatl. Tenochtitlan is the ancient capital of the Mayans and Aztecs. Today this city is known as Mexico City, Mexico. "The Secret Destiny of America"is a book written by Manly Palmer Hall. Hall wrote information claiming that America had a secret destiny spanning thousands of years. Hall wrote that the Egyptian Pharoah Akhenaton was the first man to organize an administrative democracy in ancient Egypt. Akhenaton was an monotheist who believed that Aton (or a sun god) was God. Akhenaton dedicated a new capitol city in Egypt called Khut-en-Aton (or the Horizon of Aton) by saying the following words: "...Ye behold the City of the Ho­rizon of Aton, which the Aton has desired me to make for Him as a monument, in the great name of My Majesty forever. For it was Aton, my Father, that brought me to this City of the Horizon..." Akhenaton believed that the Supreme Being wasn't a tyrant randomly killing people, but Aton was the gentle Father who love all of his chldren of every race and nation with the desire of peace and comradeship according to Hall. Hence, Manly P. Hall makes the view that Ahkenaton believed in the brotherhood of all human beings and religious tolerance. To Hall, Ahkenaton is the first Democrat. This ancient African/Middle Eastern foundation of governments (existing also in Europe) lead to the development of America in Hall's mind, but America has a complex origin. Hall was a 33rd Degree Freemason and a Rosicurcian. He believed that America was part of a plan to institute world democracy, which is one of the plans of many Secret Societies.

Other non-Native American peoples have explored ancient America even before the time of Christopher Columbus.

The Phoenicians of course traded as far as Britain.

The Ancient Phoenicians are said to have traveled into America as well. As Dr. Wells commented, "The Phoenicians were the Canaanites—and the ancestors of today's Lebanese."The Syracusan Greek historian Diodorus wrote that the Carthaginians found a large island located beyond the Atlantic ocean. He called this areas as the finest country known. That location has many mountains and large navigable rivers in the following words:

"...After having passed the islands which lie beyond the Herculean Strait, we will speak of those which lie much farther into the ocean. Towards Africa, and to the west of it, is an immense island in the broad sea, many days' sail from Lybia. Its soil is very fertile, and its surface variegated with mountains and valleys. Its coasts are indented with many navigable rivers, and its fields are well cultivated; delicious gardens, and various kinds of plants and trees.." Aristole or a book that is attributed to him (but isn't him) wrote about ancient America in these words as well:

"...Some say that, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, the Carthaginians have found a very fertile island, but without inhabitants, full of forests, navigable rivers, and fruit in abundance. It is several days' voyage from the main land. Some Carthaginians, charmed by the fertility of the country, though to marry and settle there; but some say that the government of Carthage forbid the settlement upon pain of death, from the fear that it would increase in power so as to depreive the mother country of her possessions there.."

The land was rich in gold (including gems, spices, etc.) and the Phoenicians found it by accident (while they found colonies on the west coat of Africa. The Phoenicians traveled from Tyre Syria, to Carthage, then Cadiz (in Spain), and then into Britain plus beyond. Ancient Greeks claimed to have knowledge of ancient America. According to Diodorus, the Phoenicians kept this information of them going into ancient America very secret. There is no question that this "big island" is ancient America filled with Native Americans. As long ago as 1913, author T. C. Johnston in his book "Did The Phoenicians Discover America?" claimed that the American continent was discovered and settled by Phoenicians and Hebrews who kept in contact with the Middle East for some three hundred years. You can agree or disagree with Johnston's assumptions. Pytheas described his travels in a book On the Ocean (Περι του Ωκεανου). He was a Greek merchant and geographer. He explored part of Great Britain from 330 B.C. to 320 B.C. He was the first ancient Greek person to mention Germanic tribes, Pytheas was the first Greco-Roman to to describe the Midnight Sun, the aurora and Polar ice. Pytheas visited an island six days sailing north of Britain, called Thule. It has been suggested that Thule may refer to Iceland but parts of the Norwegian coast, the Shetland Islands and Faroe Islands have also been suggested by historians. Pytheas says Thule was an agricultural country that produced honey. Its inhabitants ate fruits and drank milk, and made a drink out of grain and honey. Unlike the people from southern Europe, they had barns, and threshed their grain there rather than outside. Professor Barry Fells wrote a book called "America B.C." claiming that the Old World had contact with America, especially in the U.S. "America B.C." also claim that ancient Romans, and other groups came into the Northeastern United States. Fell is a scholar of ancient languages, so he isn't some crank. This man took the time to find inscriptions and got rid of disinformation to make his conclusions. Fell shows images looking like the All Seeing Eye in ancient North America (around Northeastern United States). Aelian in his Varia Historia,[1] states that Theopompus (400 B.C.) recorded an interview between the King of Phrygia and Silenus, in which the latter referred to the existence of a great continent beyond the Atlantic, larger than Asia, Europe and Libya together. Pausanias wrote in ca. 150 A.D. that: "...West of the Atlantic are a group of islands whose inhabitants are red-skinned and whose hair is like a horse's..." (This is also mentioned in the book of "Indians in the Americas: the untold story" being created by William Marder) Aelianus in ca. 200 A.D. reported that it was common knowledge among the Phoenicians of Cadiz that a huge island existed out in the Atlantic.

There are numerous connections and links between America and ancient Rome. From 100-300 A.D., much of pagan Rome converted to Christianity. In America's founding, about 67% of the American people were professing Christians. Even with the evil in America, God still have a remnant of believers then and now in America. America is still the headquarters of most of the missionary projects in the world. According to Constitutional scholar John W. Whitehead, when the Constitution was adopted in 1787, the population of the United States was about 3.25 million people, which of whom there were at least 2 million Christians. Christians in ancient Rome suffered hardcore presecutions and Christians came into America to flee European presecution among other reasons. Ancient Rome has a diverse group of ethnic groups and America has more people of more backgrounds (ethnic groups, religions, etc.) than any nation in human history. In ancient Rome, black people, Germanic people, Asian, Jewish people, Celts, etc. all lived in that Roman Empire. Rome was a republic that has 2 major parties of the Optimates and the Populares. America was founded as a democratic Republic, which has the major parties of Republicans and Democrats. Our nation of America was founded on the Bill of Rights and Constitution, while thousands of years ago, ancient Rome have its laws based on the 12 Tables. The 12 Tables was developed in response to the plebian class of Republican Rome being discriminated against by the more elite partrician class. Some of the 12 Tables were evil like in TABLE IV (Parents and children) which states that: "...Cito necatus insignis ad deformitatem puer esto..." That's Latin for: "...An obviously deformed child must be put to death..." Table XI says that Marriages between plebeians and patricians are prohibited. The ancient Roman Empire has infanticide and abortion, just like the United States of America federally since 1973. Both ancient Rome and America have an evil, and disgraceful history of slavery. Ancient Rome loved R-rated entertainment with bloody fights among people and animals, etc. The United States of America has some of the highest support of R-rated "enterntainment" in human history (being a multi-billion dollar business). This is supported under the guise of the First Amendment. Both the Roman Empire and America use taxes to fund welfare and the national defense of its nations or Empire. Sports have been played in ancient Rome as a huge pastime from killing people (which is similar to the UFC with more gore than the UFC), horse racings, fights, plays, etc. in big coloseums. The pastimes of football, basketball, and baseball are common place in huge modern stadiums today in America in late 2009. From ca. 300-500 A.D., the Roman Church was weakened spiritually because of pagan infilitration. In the last decades, some in the American church have apostasized via Masonic infiltration, the Vatican's Ecumenical Movement, etc.

There is similar architecture with giant stone columns everywhere.The ancient Romans retrieved their architecture from the ancient Greeks. On a higher level, Washington, D.C. according to Mason David Ovason and others have Druids plus Sacred Geometry patterns. Washington D.C. and ancient Rome have a Capitol Hill. Each have the eagle as their emblem. Our government has the Senate and the President while ancient Rome has a Senate and their Ceasar (including the Roman Tribune). Freemasons and Secret societies have influence in ancient Rome and America today.

33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall wrote that: "...The supreme human purpose is the perrfection of man..." from the Secret Destiny of America. Ed Decker in his "The Question of Freemasonry" book that: "...In the closing ceremonies of the ritual for the Royal Arch Degree. The candidate is asked, 'Brother , Inspector what are you? and he replies, "I AM THAT I am."

JD Buck wrote the book "Symbolism of Freemasonry or Mystic Masonry and the Greater Mysteries of Antiquity (himself a 32nd Degree Mason) wrote that: "...Masonry is the universal it embraces all religions.."

David J. Smith wrote in a 1998 issue of Newswatch Magaine that:

"..Masonic author Oswald Wirth believed that man, by giving free reign to his aspirations, is on the path to achieveing his own divinity, without the help of any divine power outside of himself."

America is occupying the Middle East as ancient Rome did over 2,000 years ago. Each have direct dealings with Israel. Each is or was a superpower. Each sung a national anthem, have a flag, and pledge alliegance to the flag. Ancient Rome and the United States of America have used taxes to pay for luxuries, pay for infant deaths plus abortion, and has controversies and laws dealing with homosexuals (in ancient Rome, it was common to occur among slaves and their owners). The Roman Empire blatantly gave homosexuals a lot of rights beyond the early Roman Republic. Lex Scantinia is an ancient law of the Roman Republic that regulated sexual behavior. It issued the death penalty for same-sex behavior among free born men. It regulated adultery, etc. America is gradually giving homosexuals legal rights. Ancient Rome later on heavily opposed Pederasty or pedophilia against boys. Tacitus attacks the Greek customs of "gymnasia et otia et turpes amores" (palaestrae, idleness, and shameful loves). Martial and other Roman writers have had a negative opinion of lesbian love. In ancient Rome, abortion was so casaul like in ancient Greece that some people felt no shame in having abortions. Pilny the Elder (who was a Roman author, naturalist, and natural philsopher. He lived from ca. 23-79 A.D.) wrote about a refined oil of common rue used as a potent abortifacient. Rome little restrictions on abortion was if the father was being denied an heir. Early Christians in ancient Rome opposed abortion as a form of murder. In America, Roe v. Wade legalized abortion on the federal levels. Over 50 million unborn babies have died as a product of abortion via Roe. Each have stadiums for sporting events. Ancient Rome was tolerant of every religion except biblical Christianity and Torah Judaism (since both faiths refuse to worship the Caesar as God). In ancient Rome, Lucius Annaeus Seneca gave words that could describe the future existence of America. These words were made 384 years before the birth of Jesus Christ (and thousands of years even before Sir Francis Bacon). Seneca's words are in the following:

"...Venient annis secula seris
Quibus Oceanus vincula rerum
Laxet et ingens pateat tellus
Typhisque novos detegat orbes
Nec sit terris ultima Thule...."

"...The time will come when the ocean will loosen the chains of nature,

and we shall behold a vast country.
A new Tyhphis shall discover new words:
Thule shall no longer be considered the last country in the known world." Beyond the Atlantic Ocean is the North American and South American continents to the West.

Cicero made a prediction possibly describing America and George Washington as well in the following words:

"...Far beyond the ocean, if we may believe the Sibylline Books, there will extend after many ages a large fertile land and in it there will arise a brave and wise man who shall by his wise counsel and by his arms liberate his oppressed countrymen from servitude, and shall found under happier auspices a Republic most like ours, both in its origin and its history, much and deservedly to be preferred, ye good gods, to Brutus and Camillus..."
-Fragment of Cicero, Viri Amer., p.52. vita washingtonii

It isn't a secret that the Founding Fathers utilized Enlightenment thinking and the words of classical Rome as inspiration to formed the American government. America was created in the reaction of the British government's colonization of the colonies in economic servitude. The leader of the American army was of course George Washington, who was almost defeated by the Redcoats (but won successful battles late in the Revolutionary war to vanquish the British). It can takes tons of books to decipher all of the secrets of America's past. Yet, more of it are being exposed constantly. Sir Francis Bacon gave a plan for America being a New Atlantis. Sir Francis Bacon described this New Atlantis as having underwater vehicles, flying machines, advanced scientists, which describes America today. The Atlantis story was popularized by the Greek philosopher Plato, who have gotten it form Solon, and Solon is said to have gotten it from the Egyptian priests. Plato in his dialogues "Timaeus and Critias" believed that Atlantis as laying beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the Straits of Gibraltar). Pillars in the occult represent portals into new worlds. To Europeans, America is the New world. The Masonic archetype of pillars are seen in architecture spanning centuries especially among entrances of Lodges plus the Twin Towers that once stood in NYC. Bacon like Descrates and Dr. John Dee utilized hermetic teachings, the Kabbalah, ciphers, and other forms of mytiscism in their research. New Ager Elizabeth van Buren in 1981 wrote a book entilted "Secrets of the Illuminati." She believed that the Guiding Spirits of Illuminists in the 1700's were teaching that the new North American continent should be established as a "New Atlantis.":

Atlantis is a metaphor for the Pre-flood world. Occultists view Atlantis as a place where occult sciences were advances and people had superior technological advancement than the modern world. They believe that misuse of advanced technology caused Atlantis to fall. The Invisible College were ideology descendants of Sir Francis Bacon that wanted scientific inquiry fulfilled. Rosicrucian colonists came into Ephrata, PA to develop thier mythical thinking. It was the Freemason Benjamin Franklin who utilized the Rosicrucians in Ephrata, PA to translate the Declaration of Independence into many languages. The Masonic influence in the Anglo-American war would be united in fighting wars, have economic integration, and promote globalization. Modern Freemasonry came about in 1717 in the Grand Lodge of England. Freemasonry opposed the monarchy and supported the seperation of the church and the state. That is why many European governments criticized them. The Papacy once issued bulls against them, while each group have links to the ancient Mysteries. That is why America has been infiltrated by the British completely especially after the Civil War. Although King George III of England gave up most of his claims over the American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America. Most American Presidents even Barack Obama are related to British, Scottish, French, Merovingian, and other European Royalty.

Washington D.C. was the crown jewel in the occult crowd. Noted Astrologer & Freemason David Ovason published a book in 1999 entitled "The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capitol: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C." In it, David Ovason believes that Masons dedicated D.C. to the star of Sirius. Sirius is the Dog Star that was prominent in the sky during the late Summer in Egypt. Sirius according to Albert Pike is described in the following terms: "Isis was aided in her search [for the slain body of Osiris] by Anubis, in the shape of a dog. He was Sirius, or the Dog-Star, the friend and counselor of Osiris, and the inventor of language, grammar, astronomy, surveying, arithmetic, music, and medical science; the first maker of laws; and who taught the worship of the Gods, and the building of Temples." [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 376, Teachings of the 24th Degree, Prince of the Tabernacle]. Sirius has been called Satan since according to occult author M. Temple Richmond in his book called "Sirius" on pg. 29, Sirisus has been called the Keeper of Hell, Anubis, etc. Also, HP Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled book equates Sirius with Set or the Egyptian Satan. The Keeper of Hell is also described as Satan. So, Sirius was in myth as a teacher. Ovason also believes that Virgo is a patroness symbol of D.C in his The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capitol: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C.":

"...At 10:00 am., the procession was gathering at Alexandria, on the south bank of the Potomaic River, and people were exchanging Masonic greetings. A company of Volunteer Artillery had paraded to welcome the President of the United States, who shortly afterward crossed the river with his suit, and was recieved on the north bank by two Lodges of Masons-No. 22 Virginia and No. 9 Maryland. We can assume from the ceremonial did not reach Jenkins Heights until lunchtime, or even late. Afterward, there were long speeches and considerable feasting-a 500 pound ox was barbecued but, as there was no lighting on the Hill (or in the city of Washington as a whole) save for portable torches and the fire, we must imagine that the company departed before dark. This suggests that the chart for the occasion should be cast shortly after midday. The chart cast for this ceremonial is of great interest in view of the connection between Washington, D.C. and the zodiac sign Virgo. Shortly before midday, Jupiter was rising in Scorpio, reminding us of the earlier chart for the founding of the district, which had allowed for Jupiter to rise in much of the same way. This riring Jupiter is of considerable importance to the symbolism of American independence, and has continued in much used emblems even into modern times. In the Capitol chart, however there is that emphasis on Virgo which, with good reason, we have begun to expect in horoscopes relating to the federal city. The Sun and Mercury are in Virgo, as in the Dragon's Head. It seems that whichever way we look in connection with the building of Washington, D.C., the beautiful Virgin always shows her face..." -pg. 72

Ovason wrote that Virgo had a link to the Egyptian goddess Isis as recongized by French astronomer and Freemason Joseph Lalande back in 1731. America's Declaration of Independence (when the Sun was in Sirius) was formed in 1776, which is the same time Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati was instituted in Ingoldstadt, Bavaria in the same year. Weishaupt wanted rationalist views to spread globally whereby governments and mainstream religion would be abolished. Weishaupt became initiated into the Lodge Theodore of Good Council in 1777 at Munich.

By Timothy


Unknown said...

what??? I'm left wondering what your point is....

Timothy said...

My point is simply that there is more to the stories about Columbus and America than what the mainstream media presents. Also, the point is that exposing the new world order and writing about many issues isn't strange ,but a normal part of human expression in my blog.

That's the point.

By Timothy